Adverbs (Kata Keterangctau kata tambahan) adalah kata yang menjelaskan bagaimana caranya, di mana tempatnya, kapan waktunya, berapa kali dan sebagainya, suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi.
Fungsi Adverbs:
1. Adverbs menerangkan kata kerja (Verbs)
Fungsi Adverbs:
1. Adverbs menerangkan kata kerja (Verbs)
- They work hard. (hard menerangkan work)
- She speaks French fluently.
- Mr. Alex is very rich. (very menerangkan rich)
- This coffee is too hot to drink.
- The cat is sitting almost outside the door. (almost menerangkan outside)
- I arrived there long before the time.
- I can swim very well. (very menerangkan well)
- You worked too hard.
- I can see clearly how she killed her mother. (clearly menerangkan how)
- I arrived at home precisely before the rain fell.
- Yesterday, we saw your boyfriend in the mall.
- Unfortunately, the boy was killed in the end of the film
Ada beberapa cara untuk membentuk Adverbs. Perhatikan berikut ini:1. Dengan menambahkan "ly" pada akhir Adjectives.
- beautiful - beautifully
- smart - smartly
- serious - seriously
- slow - slowly
- dll
- fast - fast
- hard - hard
- free - free
- dll
- good - well
- Simple Adverbs
- Interrogative Adverbs
- Relative Adverbs
1. Simple Adverbs
Golongan ini terbagi lagi menjadi:
1). Adverbs of Time (Keterangan Waktu)
Kata keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai adalah: now, then, ago, since, before, already, soon, immediately, instantly, presently, late, lately, early, afterwards, today, yesterday, tomorrow, dsb..
- Press the button now.
- I have never been.
- I tell him daily.
Adverbs ya ng sering dipakai adalah: here, there, hence, thence, above, below, beside, in, on, inside, outside, far, near, dll.
- Daisies grow everywhere.
- I did not put it there.
Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: once, twice, thrice, again, firstly, never, often, sometimes, dll
- I go to school five times a week
- You have to take the medicine twice a day.
Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: well, seriously, probably, thus, so, dll.
- I can finish the work quickly
- He ran fast
Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah much, too, enough, very, somewhat, rather, completely, dll.
- You are quite right
- You are young enough to be an acctress.
Adverbs jenis ini terbagi lagi menjadi:
1). Adverbs of Time
- When did you came?
- How long will you stay at the hotel?
- Where do you live?
- Whence did you come?
- How often do you come to her house?
- How did you do the homework?
- How are you today?
- How far was the news true?
- Why did he leave?
- Wherefore did she weep?
Adverbs jenis ini berhubungan dengan:
1). Antecedent (Kata yang mendahului) Dinyatakan
- This is the hotel where she stays at
- let me know the time when you will leave for London
- This is where she stays at
- let me know when you will leave for London.
1. Adverb yang terdiri dari 1 suku kata, maka tambahkan "er" untuk tingkat lebih, dan "est" untuk tingkat paling
Adverbs | Tingkat Lebih | Tingkat Paling |
fast | faster | fastest |
hard | harder | hardest |
late | later | latest, last |
soon | sooner | soonest |
Adverbs | Tingkat Lebih | Tingkat Paling |
seriously | more seriously | most seriously |
successfully | more successfully | most successfully |
loudly | more loudly | most loudly |
beautifully | more beautifully | most beautiful |
Adverbs | Tingkat Lebih | Tingkat Paling |
well | better | best |
far | farther, further | farthest, furthest |
much | more | most |
little | less | least |
- William belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih serius daripada abangnya.
(William studies English more seriously than his brother does)
(BUKAN: more serious, sebab, kita sudah mendapati kata "study", maka kita harus menggunakan Adverbs sesudahnya, bukan Adjectives) - William studies English harder than his brother does.
Ada 2 cara pemakaian Adverbs, yaitu:
1. Attributive
Adverbs dipakai secara atributif, jika Adverbs menerangkan katanya secara biasa, yaitu jika Adverbs diletakkan sedekat mungkin di depannya atau di belakangnya.
- He shouted loudly
- He is quite right
- He is entirely wrong
Adverbs dipakai sebagai predicative jika Adverbs dijadikan bagian dari predikat sebuah kalimat, atau jelasnya, jika ia dipakai sebagai komplemen dari kata kerja yang mendahuluinya.
- The struggle is over
- She will be better soon
- The two girls are much alike
- My new book is out
- She is well today
Penempatan kata keterangan dalam suatu kalimat pads umumnya menggunakan pola sebagai berikut:
1. Dalam keadaan biasa, kata keterangan disusun dalam urutan Adverb of Place or Direction, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of Time. (A. of P or D, A. of F, A. of T).
- I have been to London several time this year.
- He walked round the park twice before supper.
- She gave lectures at the college three days a week last year.
- Arifah studies seriously at school every day.
- Ali ate food greedily at home this morning.
- My elder brother works hard at the office yesterday.
- I have almost finished working.
- They didn't even try to help.
- She has justfinished breakfast.
- The post has already come.
- We will go to Bali by plane.
- She drives her car to the village slowly.
- The finally arrived home after spending the whole night on the road. etc.
- He visited the hospital, in J1. Jend. Sudirman, on foot, reluctantly, at 9 o'clock, last Sunday.
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