By dan Until dapat diartikan "sampai". Kedua kata ini sering kita jumpai pada artikel-artikel Bahasa Inggris. Di bawah ini akan kami jelaskan perbedaan keduanya. Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfa'at.
- BY = Tidak lewat dari
- Don't worry, you will get your books by Thursday.
- I'd better pay the phone bill. It has to be paid by tomorrow.
- She is very busy this week. She has to finish this report by Wednesday.
- They hope to build the offices by March next year.
- You will need to hand your project in by the end of next week.
- UNTIL = Berapa lama sesuatu itu berlangsung.
- She is very busy this week. She won't have any time until Wednesday.
- Dave will be on holiday until Monday.
- Yesterday he stayed in bed until 12:00.
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