Letter of Resignation (Surat Pengunduran Diri) adalah surat pengunduran diri yang ditulis untuk mengumumkan maksud penulis untuk meninggalkan posisi saat ini dijabat, seperti bekerja di kantor, pabrik atau yang lainnya. Surat ini biasanya menyertakan ucapan terima kasih karena mempekerjakan kita.
Berikut ini adalah contoh surat Pengunduran Diri:
22 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3TL
Tel: 020 7593 1760
November 1st, 2007
Josie Waters
Fielders Pharmacy
14 Broadway
London, SE1 7DG
Dear Mrs. Waters,
I am writing to provide formal notice of my resignation from Fielders Pharmacy. My last day will be November 14th, 2006.
I trust that two weeks is sufficient notice for you to find a replacement for my position. I would be pleased to help train the individual you choose to take my place.
Thank you for employing me for the past three years. My experience as clerk, supervisor, and floor manager has been very positive and I'm confident that I will use many of the skills I have learned at Fielders in the future.
If you have any concerns, please contact me at my personal email address.
All the best,
Annie Wright
Berikut ini adalah contoh surat Pengunduran Diri:
22 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3TL
Tel: 020 7593 1760
November 1st, 2007
Josie Waters
Fielders Pharmacy
14 Broadway
London, SE1 7DG
Dear Mrs. Waters,
I am writing to provide formal notice of my resignation from Fielders Pharmacy. My last day will be November 14th, 2006.
I trust that two weeks is sufficient notice for you to find a replacement for my position. I would be pleased to help train the individual you choose to take my place.
Thank you for employing me for the past three years. My experience as clerk, supervisor, and floor manager has been very positive and I'm confident that I will use many of the skills I have learned at Fielders in the future.
If you have any concerns, please contact me at my personal email address.
All the best,
Annie Wright
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