American English menganggap need sebagai kata kerja biasa (American English) dan British English menganggap need sebagai kata kerja biasa dan Modal verbs. Karena Need bisa juga menjadi Modals, maka bentuk negatifnya adalah needn't, namun apabila berfungsi sebagai kata kerja, maka bentuk negatifnya adalah don't need, dst. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:
Need (Perlu)
Need (Perlu)
- Children need a good balanced diet.
- I need some new winter shoes.
- Do we need anything from the shops?
- You need a lot of stamina to run that sort of distance.
- To make pastry, you need flour, fat and water.
- Will I be needed in the office tomorrow?
- I need you (=want you very much).
- I need (=very much want) you to advise me on what to wear tomorrow night.
- I badly need (=strongly want) a rest from all this.
- This is the only thing I/you/he/she/it/we/they need do.
- I/you/he/she/it/we/they needn't come tomorrow - it isn't necessary.
- Need I/you/he/she/it/we/they really do it?
- You needn't come in to work today if you are feeling well. (Modal Verb)
- You don't need to work on weekends, because the office is closed. (Kata Kerja Biasa)
- You must bring calculator into the class.
- You needn't bring calculator into the class. (BUKAN: mustn't)
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