Parenthetical Statements

Posted by Rama Van Basten under

Kalau ada sebuah pernyataan yang berada di dalam tanda ( ) yang berada diantara Subjek dan kate Kerjanya (Predikat) dapat diabaikan.

  • My husband (the doctor) works at Community Hospital. (=My husband works at Community Hospital)
  • My best friend (the one in the green shirt) wants to meet you.

Kadang-kadang pernyataan yang berada diantara koma, juga sama seperti hal diatas:

  • His brother, John, lives in Sacramento. (=His brother lives in Sacramento)
  • Jack, and his brother, lives in Medan. ( bukan live. Sebab pernyataan �and his brother� disini sama dengan tidak ada, hanya untuk memberi penegasan.)
  • My sister, who works in Miami, is visiting me this week.
  • Mr. Johnson, however, was not amused.
  • The teacher, along with her students, is coming to the party.

Frase kata Depan biasanya tidak mempengaruhi perubahan antara Subjek dan kata Kerjanya.

  • The men in the car were shouting wildly.
  • The men in the cars were shouting wildly.
  • The books on the shelf next to the window are mine.

Namun, ada juga yang membuatnya berubah.

  • A lot of people are traveling to Belize these days.
  • A lot of milk was left in the refrigerator last night.
  • Some of the apples were rotten.
  • Some of the wine is too old.
  • None of the water is safe to drink.

Relative clause bisa membuat perubahan, tergantung pada arti dan maknanya.

  • Mary is the one who takes care of applications.
  • Mary is one of the people who take care of applications.
  • One of the men who live there is deranged.

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