Pada umumnya, penggunaan kata depan BY adalah sebagai berikut:
a. by + the/a/adjective pronoun + tempat
Phrase ini memiliki dua arti, yaitu: ” melewati” dan ” di dekat”. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan verb yang mengandung makna “bergerak/berpindah tempat”, by = melewati (Lihat contoh 1-2). Sebaliknya, jika kalimatnya menggunakan verb yang bermakna “tidak berpindah tempat”, maka by = di dekat. (Lihat contoh 3-5).
- They walked by the library on the way home. (Mereka berjalan melewati perpustakaan itu dalam perjalanan pulang).
- We drove by your house last weekend but we completely forgot to stop by. (Kami naik mobil melewati rumahmu, tetapi kami benar-benar lupa untuk singgah).
- The young girl was crying by a telephone post when her parents picked her up. (Gadis kecil itu sedang menangis di dekat sebuah tiang telepon ketika orang tuanya menjemputnya).
- She stands by the window every night thinking of her long distance lover. (Dia berdiri di dekat jendela tiap malam memikirkan kekasihnya nun jauh di sana).
- I just parked my car by yours. (Aku baru saja memarkir mobilku di dekat mobilmu).
b. by + object kalimat
Phrase ini digunakan dalam kalimat pasif. Dalam hal ini, by = oleh.
- The company is being sued by its laborers. (Perusahaan itu sedang dituntut (di meja pengadilan) oleh buruh-buruhnya).
- My cellphone was stolen by someone this morning. (Hpku dicuri oleh seseorang tadi pagi).
c. by + specific time
Yang dimaksud dengan specific time di sini antara lain: jam (7 o’clock, 8 a.m, 12 p.m, dst), atau dawn (subuh), noon, midday (jam 12 siang), dusk (magrib), midnight (jam 12 malam). Jika diikuti oleh specific time, by = before (= sebelum).
- Meet me by noon tomorrow! (Temui aku sebelum jam 12 siang besok).
- They usually have dinner by 7 o’clock in the evening. (Mereka biasanya makan malam sebelum jam 7 malam).
- We will arrive there by midnight. (Kita akan tiba di sana sebelum jam 12 malam).
d. by + bus/plane/train/ship/car/bike, dst
Phrase ini menyatakan alat tranportasi yang digunakan untuk pindah atau bepergian.
- It was very fascinating to travel by train during the fall. I could enjoy an unforgettable view of colorful leaves along the train tracks.
- It would be much nicer to go to the office by car than by bus.
e. by then
By then = sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau atau di masa mendatang.
- I will graduate from the university in 2011. By then, I hope I have found a job. (di kalimat ini, by then = sebelum tahun 2011).
- Soeharto died last year. By then, he had governed our country for more than 30 years. (di kalimat ini, by then = sebelum tahun lalu).
f. by way of
By way of = via (= melalui)
- We drove from Surabaya to Jakarta by way of Jalur Pantura.
- Many ships cruise from Europe to Asia by way of the Suez Canal.
g. by the way
By the way = incidentally = secara tak sengaja/secara kebetulan.
- By the way, I’ve got two tickets for the movie. Would you like to go with me?
By the way juga berarti “omong-omong”, biasanya digunakan untuk membelokkan arah pembicaraan.
- By the way, are you married?
h. by far
By far = considerably
- This is by far the best cellphone I’ve ever had.
- By far, you’re the most beautiful, caring, loving person I have ever met.
i. by accident/by mistake
By accident/by mistake = not intentionally (= dengan tidak disengaja); dan merupakan antonim (kebalikan) dari on purpose.
- Even though the student broke the microscope by accident, he had to be responsible for the repairing expense.
- I didn’t do it on purpose. It happened by accident.
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