Mungkin anda sudah paham bahwa kata depan OUT (= di luar) merupakan antonym (kebalikan) dari IN (= di dalam). Misalnya : out of the classroom vs in the classroom, out of the can vs in the can (can = kaleng), out of the building vs in the building, out of the car vs in the car, out of the room vs into the room, dst. Tetapi, apakah anda sudah paham dan pernah gunakan expression (ungkapan) : out of money, out of town, out of date, out of order, out of the question, dan out of work?
Penggunaan kata depan OUT baik ketika digunakan dalam modifier of place (keterangan tempat) maupun ketika digunakan dalam expression (ungkapan) adalah sebagai berikut:
a. out of the + ruangan/bangunan/container, dst.
- One of the the school’s regulations is (that) students are strictly prohibited from being out of the school area during class. (Salah satu peraturan sekolah itu adalah murid-murid dilarang keras berada di luar area sekolah selama jam pelajaran).
- We saw Jimmy walking out of the dean’s office. (Kami melihat Jimmy berjalan ke luar dari kantornya dekan).
- During summer, many people like sunbathing outside (of) their house. (Selama musim panas, banyak orang suka berjemur di luar rumahnya).
- Get out of my sight! (Enyah dari hadapanku!)
Note: Tergantung konteks kalimatnya, OUT juga dapat diimbuhi SIDE menjadi OUTSIDE. Jika OUTSIDE yang digunakan, penggunaan OF menjadi optional (bisa digunakan, bisa juga tidak). (Lihat contoh 3). Article the juga dapat digantikan dengan adjective pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, their, our). (Lihat contoh 3 & 4).
Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang menggunakan kata depan OUT.
b. out of + nama benda
Ungkapan ini dapat berarti to lack (= kekurangan), dan to be without (= kehabisan).
- My brother went out to the store because he was out of cartridge ink. (Kakakku pergi ke toko itu karena dia kehabisan tinta cartridge (untuk printer).
- Plants will wilt when soil is out of water. (Tanaman-tanaman akan layu ketika tanah kekurangan air).
c . out of town
Out of town = away = di luar kota. Antonimnya adalah in town.
- Sorry honey! I cannot see you this weekend because I will be out of town. I’ll see you as soon as I’m in town.
- Good morning Mam! This is Made speaking. I’m just wondering whether Mr. Stewert is still out of town or he has already been in town?
d. out of date
Out of date = old (= tua). Antonimnya adalah up to date = new (= baru).
- Don’t use that dictionary. It is out of date. Find one that is up to date. (di kalimat ini, one = dictionary = kamus).
e. out of work
Out of work = jobless = unemployed (= nganggur).
- Hery got fired last year and he has been out of work since then. (got fired = dipecat).
- The Indonesian government struggles to reduce the number of people who are out of work.
f. out of the question
Out of the question = impossible (= tidak mungkin).
- Your request for writing another exam is out of the question.
- He is very stingy so it’s out of the question to be able to borrow some money from him. (stingy = kikir/pelit).
g. out of order
Out of order = not functioning (= rusak/tidak berfungsi).
- I had to use my neighbor’s motorcycle because mine was out of order. (di kalimat ini, mine = my motorcycle).
- Is there a vending machine near by? Yes, there is one down the hall, but I’m afraid it’s out of order. (Vending machine = mesin penjual makanan ringan, minuman; I’m afraid = saya kira/rasa).
h. drop out of school
Drop out of school = putus/berhenti sekolah. Perhatikan, article the tidak digunakan setelah OF dan sebelum school. Bandingkan dengan contoh 1 pada poin a di atas).
- Think twice before you decide to drop out of school!
- It’s out of the question to get a good job for those who dropped out of school.
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