Suffix artinya "Akhiran".
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh akhiran yang sering muncul dalam Bahasa Inggris.
-able, -ible (DAPAT) = membentuk Adjective
- breakable
- washable
- moveable
-able, -ible (PANTAS) = membentuk Adjectives
- an admirable person
- an acceptable answer
-ion, -ation, -ition (AKSI/KONDISI) = Membentuk Kata Benda
- obsession
- admiration
- repetition
-en (Me...kan) = Membentuk Kata Kerja
- You can sweeten your drink with honey or brown sugar.
- If your belt is too tight then loosen it.
-ful (PENUH) = Membentuk Adjectives/ Nouns
- a colourful picture
- a powerful person
- a tearful child
- a painful illness
- a truthful person
- two spoonfuls/spoonsful of sugar
- a mouthful of tea
- a houseful of people
-ify, -fy (Me...kan) = Membentuk Kata Kerja
- to simplify
- to intensify
- to beautify
- The cement had solidified
-ism (ISME) = Membentuk Kata Benda
- fanaticism
- fogeyism
- sexism
-ist (Orang yang melakoni) = Membentuk Kata Sifat dan Kata Benda
- Marxist philosophy
- a feminist
- a sexist
-ize, (Me...kan) British dan Australia biasanya -ise = Membentuk Kata Kerja
- to modernize (=to make modern)
- to centralize
-less (TANPA) = Membentuk Adjectives
- Something without meaning is meaningless.
- He has no friends at all - he is friendless.
-ment ( = Membentuk kata benda
- strong government
- successful management
- a great achievement
-ness ( = Membentuk Kata Benda
- sadness
- nervousness
- selfishness
- kindness
- the causes of homelessness
-ship ( = Membentuk Kata Benda
- lordship
- partnership
- craftsmanship
- friendship
-ward (Kearah) = Membentuk Adjectives
- At least we're walking in a homeward direction.
- The living room has seaward facing windows.
- Take the northward road.
- At last, to our great joy we were sailing landward.
- Move onward three squares.
-wise (Berhubungan Dengan)
- What shall we do foodwise - do you fancy going out to eat?
- Moneywise, of course, I'm much better off than I used to be.
- What do we need to take with us clothes-wise?
- We were very lucky weather-wise yesterday.
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